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Debunking 5 Common Health Myths Singaporeans Still Believe

Health myths have been passed down through generations, often rooted in cultural beliefs or anecdotal...

Understanding the Link Between Cardiovascular Health and Dementia in Women

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death among women in Singapore, with one...

BUZUD and Tan Tock Seng Hospital Introduce AI-Powered Diabetes Management Solution

BUZUD, in collaboration with Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), has successfully introduced an innovative AI-powered...

BUZUD Leads the Fight Against Undiagnosed Diabetes in Singapore

With nearly 40% of diabetes cases in Singapore going undiagnosed, the nation faces a growing...

Managing Osteoarthritis: Tips for Healthy Knee Joints in Singapore

Knee joints are essential for mobility and play a vital role in our daily lives....

Shedding Festive Pounds: A Comprehensive Guide to Post-Holiday Weight Management

The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and often indulgence in rich foods...

Transform Leftover Mandarin Oranges into Delicious and Healthy Remedies

The Lunar New Year often brings an abundance of mandarin oranges, a symbol of prosperity...


对于许多新加坡人来说,咖啡对于开始新的一天和消除下午的疲劳至关重要,该国每年的消费量为 15,000 公吨。对于糖尿病患者来说,了解咖啡如何影响血糖水平至关重要。 咖啡如何影响血糖? 咖啡对血糖水平的影响很复杂,并且根据个人健康状况和咖啡消费具体情况而有所不同。 对于没有糖尿病的人 研究表明,咖啡摄入量与患 T2D 的风险之间存在反比关系。 《营养评论》2018 年的一项荟萃​​分析将较高的咖啡摄入量与较低的 T2D 风险联系起来。然而,短期研究表明咖啡可能会增加胰岛素抵抗和血糖水平。 《传统与补充医学杂志》2019 年的一项系统综述发现,从长远来看,咖啡可以改善葡萄糖代谢,这进一步增加了问题的复杂性。...

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