How to read your Uric Acid

Published on:September 16 2022

Measuring your uric acid levels is vital to managing your health. Abnormal uric acid levels usually do not have any obvious symptoms, but too low uric acid levels (hypouricemia) can be indicative of other underlying health conditions, and too high uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) over time can lead to gout or kidney stones. Monitoring your uric acid levels regularly can help to prevent these painful medical conditions with early intervention, with some simple changes in diet or a visit to the doctor.

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All information presented herein serves as a general guideline, and is not intended as dispensing any medical advice(s). User(s) should consult their doctor to seek further clarification for any doubt. It is recommended to refer to this guide with sole discretion, thereby we shall not be held responsible for any part of the information as presented.

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